Rolfing Benefits for All Ages

The Benefits of Rolfing® Babies & Children

Improved body-mind connection

  • Improved motor development
  • Improved breathing
  • Less pain from gas and constipation
  • Greater poise and response in social situations
  • An overall happier child
  • Closer bonding between parent and child
A baby wearing a diaper and pacifier lies on a blue blanket, while an adult gently holds one of the baby's legs.
An infant lies on a blue surface with a pacifier in its mouth while being gently held by two adults wearing plaid and striped shirts.
An older person in a red shirt gently holds a baby lying on a blue towel, who is looking up.

Hands-on Parenting

​This book will guide you to baby & child massage. It explains how, beginning in infancy, a child's vitality, self-confidence, behavior, and overall healthy development may be greatly enhanced by a few minutes of gentle massage by a parent on a regular basis.

Hands-on Parenting
1017 W. 9th Ave., Ste. B
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406

More information?

The Promise of Rolfing Babies and Children

An adult gives a smiling baby a gentle back massage on a white surface.
A baby wearing a white diaper sits on an adult's lap, bending forward with the adult's hands supporting the baby. The adult wears a purple shirt and a wristwatch.

Before Rolfing, one-week-old

A simple black arrow pointing to the right on a white background.
A smiling baby in a diaper is being held up by an older person wearing a floral shirt and watch.

After 4 Rolfing Sessions, four weeks old

Case Studies


Before he was Rolfed, J.C. had a protruding stomach and stood hunched over. Significant improvement in these areas can be seen in the photographs. His mother states that he seems more in control of his movements and that, whereas he frequently complained of headaches before his Rolfing sessions, he never complains of them now. She also reports that there is a positive shift in J.C.’s self-image, as evidenced by the pictures.

Side-by-side comparison of the same individual before and after treatment for Pellagra, showing differences in physical health and posture.


Side-by-side images of a woman in underwear displaying posture differences: slouched posture on the left and upright posture on the right.

Before he was Rolfed, J.C. had a protruding stomach and stood hunched over. Significant improvement in these areas can be seen in the photographs. His mother states that he seems more in control of his movements and that, whereas he frequently complained of headaches before his Rolfing sessions, he never complains of them now. She also reports that there is a positive shift in J.C.’s self-image, as evidenced by the pictures.

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